Im Richard Dugan, host of 'Tell Me Your Story”, NEW PARADIGMS FOR A NEW WORLD... To bring as many different points of view, from around the circle, into your view, to assist you in expanding your life and living. To assist in the positive evolution of mankind and bringing about a greater awareness of self and others in order to create the kind of world YOU want. A world in which we all can search for, find and fulfill our 'first best destiny'. GIVING YOU CHOICES AND KNOWLEDGE OF THOSE CHOICES TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE... Since 2007, we've been producing TMYS, available at My dream is to syndicate 'Tell MeYourStory' and take it on the road. Traveling to all parts of the world, talking with people who are living, working and playing in new ways that are changing the world, one person at a time. I have been interviewing for over 30 years, talking with thousands of; authors, musicians, light workers, metaphysicians, spiritualists, co-creators, body, mind and light workers, new thought people, visionaries, revolutionaries, inovators. We all have a story and mine is no greater or lesser than yours. Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. I was legally blind from birth. In spite or because of that, I went through 13 years of school not knowing what I wanted to do and so I went to Communtiy College and worked in the AV Department. I found out about a job with 'Sun Sounds' Radio Reading Service, for the blind and visually impaired. I not only became a client, I started working there August 29, 1979 and never “looked” back. On March 6, 1996, I received a lens implant and went from 20/200 or worse to 20/80 overnight. Within just a few months, I was learning to drive a car. A dream I had given up in acceptance of the way I was, legally blind. And that was 'ok'. Bicycling was just fine for me. Then my marriage of 15 years came to an end and I met Amrita Ma. We married and moved to her home town of Santa Barbara and we both started a new life 5 minutes for her childhood home. We've been to Ireland twice and dream of living there one day very soon. I dreamed I would drive, travel to far away places, share the love with someone with a very open, loving heart, live by the sea, have my own radio show, teach others my craft, meet new and exciting souls. I am working on 2 books and more. What are your dreams?........ I will share more thoughts later. RD Richard Dugan use Pay Pal |